I cannot say it any better than this gentleman’s column of Sep. 10th: What Drives Government Action?
I urge you to read James Cardoza’s column.
David Scott Strain is a U.S. Army veteran (HQ, 500th Military Intelligence Brigade [Japan]; 1st Personnel Command [1st PERSCOM, Europe]; Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans [ODCSOPS, Pentagon], more) and a retired Fortune500 I.T. executive (Young & Rubicam, Inc., DC-NY; Burson-Marsteller, LLC, DC-NY; ShuffleLabs, Inc., Virginia, more) as well as employment at major non-profits (Nat’l. Food Processors Assoc., N. VA [now GMA]; Water Environment Federation, N. VA, more); as well as TS contract work for clients. Mr. Strain has passed three FBI background checks in association with his work. He is also the author of the novel THE GRIM GRIND OF LIFE: A PI’s strange bounces through a surfeit of eateries, juke joints, and dark doorways. Prior, he authored the MBA-text I.T. WARS: Managing the Business-Technology Weave in the New Millennium (UofW, UofMD, more than a dozen others). Books and expanded bio are available on Amazon. NOTE: I identify as Scottish-Irish-Slovak. I am not “White” and I am not boxed. I am neither Republican, Democrat, Conservative nor Liberal. I’m best described as a Bohemian Libertarian. I am not Christian, Christian-Conservative, Buddhist, Muslim, Jew, Shintoist, Confucianist, or anything else. I pray: To ancestors and entities favorable to me. Try that.
Good informative article