Thanks to an article today at American Thinker, and a commenter, I was made aware of an incident where then-President Trump supposedly exaggerated the path of Hurricane Dorian. He amended a map with a sharpie (as indicated below):
Honestly, I don’t remember this from the time, and I have no idea if he was projecting an anticipated path from things he’d been advised as potentials… or what.
But it gave me an idea. Thought I’d share it with ya:
I took some of ALGORE's predictions… oh, first, we’re speaking of Al Gore: Former VP under Clinton - Bill - and one of the premier doomsayer assholes regarding CLIMATE!!! CLIMATE!!! CLIMATE!!! Ok, so I took some of ALGORE’s predictions, along with charts and graphs from other "climate scientists," with all sorts of doomsday scenarios, and made my own edits and it left me feeling much more secure about the future of climate in general. Then, just for balance, I began work on a tome that predicts another Ice Age beginning around 2027... slowly at first: some harsh winters; getting colder down south; Antarctica expanding to about twice its size... then rushing along to threaten putting the entire North American continent under a sheet of ice about a mile thick - absent some very, very serious interventions.
Happily, my last chapter proposes pragmatic, sound, solutions: Elimination of EVs through a "battery-disposal tax" (progressively higher as the years roll by); tax-breaks for gas powered car purchases - also a plan to incentivize leaving your car idling for 10 to 20 minutes after you get home from each trip out - an app with plug-in to social media showing that your car is running, stationary, and in-tune with that day's date, resultant tax breaks, “likes,” social media celebration, alla that; the buildout of 1,000 new coal plants; elimination of wind "farms"; rollback of solar "farms" and panels (the whales, dolphins, fish and birds… any others?… thank us profusely); return to fracking on Federal lands and anywhere else people are willing; drilling for oil - a Federal/State "Drill, Baby, Drill!" program with all sorts of incentives. Natural gas, too. In fact, if you want a gas stove, they're free! A program will have them delivered to your door via a government version of "Federal" Express (get it?) upon your order. In one instance, Hunter Biden is the driver of one such vehicle, and makes the delivery with a crew to a homeowner's surprise (I know that sounds kinda "out there," but he's on a prison-work-release probationary kinda thing, and a job is a job, right?). (Lock up your daughters, lock up your wife, lock up your back door and run for your life - credit, AC/DC - the Bon years).
Once we actually heat the Earth, and influence the climate, holding the risk of another ICE AGE!!! in check via warmer temperatures, we can slow down, have a beer (not a Bud, though; Anheuser-Busch went out of business around the same time Disney did. Trump said, ‘So sad, so sad… but we knew it was coming. We knew it. Very sad. We knew it was coming.’), and survey a much calmer and saner planet with the deep satisfaction of knowing our Strategic Petroleum Reserve had a build-out to quadruple its capacity, that it is full, that we're selling gas and oil overseas at HUGE profit margins… make that YUGE… BIGLY!!! margins, but that locally we have 33 cents/gal. gas (I feel like I'm in high school decades ago! I'm even getting laid with all kinds of strange!), and that our new 12-cylinder, 12-speed trucks, gas and diesel-powered, can pull trains down tracks (if we were to do something crazy like that. Again, I was flashing back to HS… but my ‘63 used Fairlane could only pull an empty caboose that one time. At least I didn’t derail it - it’s not that hard to keep that stuff on the tracks… seriously).
Ahhhh. Good times, good times. That book will be my fourth. Well, unless Jack Trey (The Grim Grind of Life) has another case wrapped first. Check Amazon.
I am a U.S. Army veteran (HQ, 500th Military Intelligence Brigade [Japan]; 1st Personnel Command [1st PERSCOM, Europe]; Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans [ODCSOPS, Pentagon], more) and a retired Fortune500 I.T. executive (Young & Rubicam, Inc., DC-NY; Burson-Marsteller, LLC, DC-NY, more) as well as employment at major non-profits (Nat’l. Food Processors Assoc., N. VA [now GMA]; Water Environment Federation, N. VA, more); as well as Top Secret contract work for clients. I have passed four FBI background checks, the most recent in June of 2022. I am also the author of the novel THE GRIM GRIND OF LIFE: A PI’s strange bounces through a surfeit of eateries, juke joints, and dark doorways. Prior, I authored the MBA-text I.T. WARS: Managing the Business-Technology Weave in the New Millennium (UofW, UofMD, more than a dozen others). The latter book’s last chapter discusses energy and U.S. grid vulnerabilities, and remains a leading-voice in those realms. Books and expanded bio are available on Amazon.
Love the ACDC reference. I seem to remember you spinning some of those LPs in the barracks.