If I may, I urge you to read the embedded, hyperlinked, article below from
- but first as a preface:
COVID “vaccine” injuries might be few (comparatively speaking, vis-à-vis the number of people who have been injected), but the injuries are severe enough that many Americans may wish to re-evaluate the wisdom of accepting these (multiple) injections. With a virus that has better than a 99.9% recovery rate by simply letting your immune system do its job, why-oh-why take a chance on something that was “tested” for a fraction of the time of past, true, vaccines?
Also, the term “injuries” is quite euphemistic. I’m no doctor but, generally speaking, injuries are something from which you recover, or have a hope of recovering from. Any injury that leads to a condition of un-recoverability is now a chronic condition… a status. If you injure your leg and it leads to amputation, you don’t have an injured leg. You have a missing leg. A growing consensus is that these COVID “injuries” are leading to compromised immune systems. “Compromise” an immune system enough and you don’t have an injury - you don’t have an immune system.
Any athlete, or person who works out regularly, knows this: Use it or lose it. Miss a couple weeks of bench pressing, and your muscles will atrophy and if and when you resume your workouts, you’ll likely have to lower your weights until you build back up. Hold your immune system in abeyance (which the COVID drugs seem to do) and you are going to weaken, and perhaps even remove, your immune system from your overall ability to fight sickness.
The other “vaccine” injuries, as referenced below in the article, have morphed into chronic (ongoing) conditions in many of these cases - perhaps most? Likely. It’s difficult to get information from the government, and doctors, because of the heavy boot of the present political agenda: That of getting every single darned American injected… and injected… and injected over and over again possibly forever! Kids too - who tragically are not at the age of informed consent even as they, absent co-morbidities, are protected via their age and health already.
One has to consider this too: The political push to get everyone vaccinated is likely because Government doesn’t want a large pool of unvaccinated people against which to compare the vaccinated. In other words, if it turns out that over time, the unvaccinated are better protected (via natural immunity) against Covid than the “vaccinated,” there will be stiffer and stiffer resistance to getting “vaxxed.” Parents will protect kids against the shots (and pills), too. In the pols perfect world, everyone is “vaxxed” and any increases in illness, deaths, transmissions, will be seen as due to “nature,” and not the harmful effects of so-called “vaccines” - there would be no one to compare to - everyone is “vaxxed”!
However, I’m not making recommendations for any individual person, nor can I. But I know this: Absent any of my own co-morbidities, I will never accept an injection. And, I already beat COVID. As to variants, including Omicron? Bring it on. Also, always remember this: No one can predict the long-term effects of these “vaccines” over time - I don’t care what anyone says, be it politician, pundit, doctor, or carnival clown - no one can possibly know. Remember that these “vaccines” are not true vaccines: They do not provide immunity (hence the innumerable shots and boosters), and they do not prevent transmission.
For the layperson (such as I), I know this too: I was vaccinated in my youth for measles, mumps, polio, chickenpox, (maybe others - rubella?). So far as I know, it was one shot and done. I may have had a booster for one of those, but it would have been ONE booster, if any. Also, I had mandatory flu shots in the Army. No problem; I had signed a contract to serve my country according to those standards. But each flu season it was for a specific flu, one shot and done. So, these multiple COVID shots and boosters, even within specific variants - not just across - these vakes, are not true vaccines in many brave healthcare professionals’ opinions.
I also understand the technical and medical arguments for why these drugs are not vaccines, but I won’t belabor that here - I’ve written about that prior and please reference those earlier articles at ScottSense.
As mentioned, I urge readers here to do the further reading of the following column via KOMONEWS. I can about guarantee that you will find this extremely interesting… and then I’ll share some of my observations:
'We do exist': Some Americans suffer life-changing COVID vaccine injuries
Note that one of the spouses of the “vaccine”-injured still went ahead with the shot. Also, those injured state that they still support “vaccines.” Incredible.
What could better indicate the sheer stupidity of our national status at the moment than this next clip? Biden and his wife are unmasked, the singers are unmasked and right next to each other, while the Marine musicians behind them are “socially distanced” and masked. Absent some sort of return to sanity, perhaps via a “Drop the Mask / Drop the Vax Day,” we’re doomed:
One last thing: I’m toying with sharing my story for when I foolishly trusted a doctor. I’ve made my forgivenesses and done an amazing job of recovery - but I was forever changed. I’d like to share it in helping others to understand my position of “Never trust a doctor,” and how to, yet, at the same time manage your care while needing doctors at the appropriate times. It’ll take me some time to share…
David Scott Strain is a U.S. Army veteran and a retired Fortune500 I.T. executive. He is also the author of the novel The Grim Grind of Life: A PI’s strange bounces through a surfeit of eateries, juke joints, and dark doorways. Prior, he authored the MBA-text (UofW, UofMD, more than a dozen others) I.T. WARS: Managing the Business-Technology Weave in the New Millennium. Books and expanded bio are available on Amazon.