As follow ons: Is One World Gov't. (OWG) the goal?; why the push to vaccinate BABIES??; and, does Totalitarianism lead to "the Kill Switch"?
Everyone should make 10 minutes available to watch this address by Tricia Lindsay:
Just want to state that I agree with everything stated here concerning “Medical Rape” - a great, and accurate, term for so-called (illegal) “mandated” injections that people do not want. Her characterization as “kidnapping” for when children are enticed into a room with candy bars and fries, for purpose of injection (absent parental knowledge), is dead-on. Same for injecting CRT and socialism, etc., into vulnerable young minds.
Being that I am advocating the watching of this clip, it’s important for me to state that my religious views diverge from hers (she briefly alludes to God, etc.). I am a Bohemian Libertarian; I am also Scottish, Irish, Slovak; I pray to “Ancestors and Entities favorable to me.” That all serves me well :^)
As a follow-on to her immaculate address here, it’s time to update some terms.
Covid drugs: We need to stop referring to government-sponsored/Big Pharma-sponsored/Fauci-sponsored Covid drugs as “vaccines.” The drugs are not “vaccines” either by design nor effect: In the case of the former, they are gene therapies that adhere “spike proteins” to cells (something no true vaccine has ever done), and in the case of the latter, these drugs do not grant immunity, nor do they prevent transmissibility. They are not vaccines.
Which is precisely why you “need” a second shot - the first did not work. Which is precisely why you “need” a third shot, because the first two did not work.
“Boosters”: Which is why you now “need” a so-called “booster” (in truth, a fourth shot; how in hell do you “boost” a failure?), because the first THREE. DID. NOT. WORK. And this is why various people are trying to prime the public, gaslight the public, in readying them for ongoing semi-annual (twice yearly) shots, even quarterly (four-times-a-year) shots, and in extreme cases, monthly (!!) shots. BS.
Every time a politician, pundit, any person of any of us, refers to these drugs as “vaccines,” it stalls the plain sense of any conversation, and throws everything back to square one: “To vaxx or not to vaxx.” You are not vaxxing in the first place! In putting traction in the argument, do not refer to “Covid vaccines.” Refer to Covid drugs. DO NOT TAKE THESE DRUGS UNLESS IT IS YOUR FREE CHOICE.
Let’s now examine true lunacy. We’ve moved past the idiocy of “vaccinating” children (who are as close to 100% immune to Covid as you can hope to be by virtue of their youth and associated immune systems) and Fauci is touting the approval of “vaccines” for BABIES starting at 6 months of age. Why? What could possibly be the agenda? The agenda is NOT health. Babies do not need Covid drugs, spike proteins, and experimental drug injections (as defined by the FDA, no less) at the beginning of their lives.
I have an awareness, but I’m wary of entering “Alex Jones” territory. But any of us has to wonder, and is yet free to wonder, what the true agenda of Covid and associated - mandated - drugs is and are: I’ll coin another adage here as a prelude: Just because you’re a conspiracy theorist, it doesn’t necessarily make your conspiracy theory wrong.
We know that Marxists, Socialists, Communists, Radical Democrats… totalitarians… are now crawling through our government like maggots in a shitpile. Anyone of plain sense and reason knows this - the evidence is overwhelming. We also know that many highly placed people believe in one-world government (OWG) - and that totalitarian OWG would view human rights and dignity about as keenly as the Third Reich, the Soviet Union, Russia, Venezuela, N. Korea, China… ad infinitum. Those regimes we just referenced (past and present) employed/employ death squads. They utilize slave labor. They operate/d freely, with impunity and death squads were/are supported by death camps. (As to impunity, consider Big Pharma’s protection from litigation regarding Covid drugs - there is an example of actual immunity… from prosecution),
In the case of a totalitarian OWG, death squads would be as pervasive, and would operate as freely, as any carefully constructed, limited, and operating police force in a free society (even as free societies are collapsing their standards - witness Australia; Canada, etc., and sadly, even our own USA).
It is not hard to imagine a totalitarian OWG’s desire to emplace a “Kill Switch” inside every human being - every baby born - hence a “vaccine” for 6 month olds with the attendant adherence of unnatural spikes to cells. Once emplaced, any geographic region that dared to revolt against totalitarianism could be “turned off” simply by releasing a compound in the food system, or a new transmissible virus that reacted in fatal ways with those unnatural spikes on cells.
An OWG media could present the resultant catastrophe one of two ways: As punishment to a region - ‘See what happened there? Don’t let it happen to you.’ A play on the old, “The beatings will continue until morale improves” routine. Or, media could present it as a natural catastrophe happening in a region, mounting the old “plausible deniability” routine, leaving the populace to surmise, “Yeah, but…” as rumors would fly about the uprising, along with the natural belief that government took the ultimate action in suppressing things.
Of course, the elites would make a big presentation of taking “vaccines” themselves which would actually be placebos, and a collective Kill Switch would reside strictly in the controlled proletariat.
I’m not of the mind that any potential Kill Switches are for purpose of de-populating the planet (a different thing from the “population control” of keeping the masses in line). But the de-population theory is popular. However, depending on the source you use, only about 3% of the earth’s land surface is populated with humans - urbanized - and that land is only 29% of the total surface - the rest being oceans, streams, rivers, glaciers, etc. As for anthropogenic “climate change” - it’s hard to imagine how humans can influence climate (a huge canard for purpose of, again, controlling people) when the earth’s “muscle” melted glaciers miles thick, and earth can put them back again at any time. (Scientists predict another ice age, and that ice ages likely come and go on a loooong arc of time on a regularized basis).
Food for thought: We really do live in an America that commits medical rape - forcing injections on workers lest they lose their job, reputation, whole livelihood, freedom of movement and assembly. Our children are kidnapped, being injected with not just drugs, but with government disinformation, CRT, and socialism. Our MSM is beyond compromised - it is thoroughly corrupt.
What happens when the next “plandemic” comes along? Or a major false flag operation?
Stay safe, Tricia Lindsay. Keep speaking. And watch your back.
NP: Cock SParrer, Watch Your Back - and - Napoleon XIV, They’re Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!
David Scott Strain is a U.S. Army veteran (HQ, 500th Military Intelligence Brigade [Japan]; 1st Personnel Command [1st PERSCOM, Europe]; Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans [ODCSOPS, Pentagon], more) and a retired Fortune500 I.T. executive (Young & Rubicam, Inc., DC-NY; Burson-Marsteller, LLC, DC-NY; ShuffleLabs, Inc., Virginia, more) as well as employment at major non-profits (Nat’l. Food Processors Assoc., N. VA [now GMA]; Water Environment Federation, N. VA, more); as well as TS contract work for clients. Mr. Strain has passed three FBI background checks in association with his work. He is also the author of the novel THE GRIM GRIND OF LIFE: A PI’s strange bounces through a surfeit of eateries, juke joints, and dark doorways. Prior, he authored the MBA-text I.T. WARS: Managing the Business-Technology Weave in the New Millennium (UofW, UofMD, more than a dozen others). Books and expanded bio are available on Amazon.