Is America Transphobic?
From Merriam-Webster:
So, is America transphobic? Well, I for one am not. My concerns regarding transgenderism and trans-rights are very real, and empirically grounded. “Transgender rights” is a far, far different thing than simple gay rights (I’m using the term “gay rights” to encompass the LGB portion of LGBT+).
Humor is a potent illustrator of everything from folly to madness, and we’ll get to an important humor aspect of all this in the short essay at bottom, My Identity Today. But first please recognize that I support Gay rights - which really shouldn’t even be rights, but rather just organic, “baked-in,” routines of society: We all should live free and exercise our choices and styles of life to suit us, so long as we don’t abuse kids, drive the wrong way down one-way streets, or stampede the horses. If you’re a man who prefers a man or men as anything from lovers to husbands, fine by me. (I should note that I am a cis-gendered natural born heterosexual man, and that I prefer my women such as my coffee: Hot and ready. If that offended you, I recommend crying in a corner).
Same for women in terms of choices, so long as we all find people who are safe, sane, and ring all our bells and blow all our whistles (um, ahem, um… oh forget it).
But “trans” is a whole ‘nother matter. You see, if someone such as Pete Buttigieg, a gay man, marries a man, he still has a husband, after all. But if someone, man or woman, marries a trans-man, that person doesn’t really have a husband, in my eyes. That person is married to another woman, and so be it, but we’re changing language in dangerous ways. That person is married to a human being with two XX chromosomes (and DNA comprising a female). As soon as we start saying that a “man” can have two X chromosomes, a vagina, and that “men” can give birth (the new “birthing-people” term of the Left) we’re into a LaLa land of miscommunication, a systemic prone-to-error landscape, and “bathroom incidents” such as the Virginia boy (a “trans-girl” or “trans woman” or whatever the heck he was supposed to be) in a skirt who raped a female/girl in a school bathroom. Nah. None of this for me. The transmogrification of females/women and the associated terms and treatments suffers equally, of course.
Women’s sports will be decimated. So-called trans-women will dominate. There will be no shortage of XY males, full of testosterone, differences in strength and muscle fibers, skeletal advantages - just generally bigger, stronger, faster - identifying as women who will participate at the top performance positions in everything: Women’s tennis, women’s volleyball, women’s soccer, women’s gymnastics, women’s golf… name it… all corrupted. The Olympics won’t have a natural-born female/woman doing anything of note: The podium will be trans, trans, trans… Our daughters’ junior and high school teams will be upended - bet.
The other difficulty with the whole “trans” issue is this: Prior to today’s burgeoning so-called understanding of trans, the issue was called Gender Identity Disorder (GID - now rebranded as Gender Dysphoria). Gender Identity Disorder was a mental disorder. In fact, in psychiatric terms, GID and Gender Dysphoria are focused on discomfort, rather than identity, in the DSM-5, as published by the APA (See link immediately above if you wish).
But recognize this: Prior to the relatively recent trans revolution, 90% of children who seemed to identify as the opposite gender from their assigned sex at birth grew out of this condition naturally. However, today we are introducing, encouraging and reinforcing this behavior to the detriment, I believe, of long-term happiness for children. We are teaching trans issues to Kindergarteners, for gosh sakes, long before puberty and the barest hint of a burgeoning sexual desire and associated identity. Your little boy wants to wear a dress? Well, he might want to yank on a horse’s penis (as one of my childhood friends actually did - with a kick in the head as a result), but we don’t have to let him do it. Kids do not have good judgment in case any of us are not aware: a small kid will grab the wrong end of a running chainsaw. Let’s return to some plain sense and sanity.
Most rational adults realize that kids, based on those adult’s reflections of childhood, are best-served in learning about pragmatic things as a foundation for advanced education and further living. So let’s not scramble small brains (and some larger adult ones) with the bastardization of pronouns (using plural pronouns in the singular sense) and the nutty creation of new ones. Okay? Let’s also not bastardize language-at-large; humans with penises and XY chromosomes and all of the other primary and secondary sex characteristics are not “women,” “wives,” “mothers,” and all the rest of that. And same for natural born women: They are not “men,” “husbands,” “fathers,” etc.
So, is America “transphobic”? Nope.
Americans’ valid concerns regarding transgenderism are not inexplicable, illogical, or even misplaced. Therefore Americans’ concerns regarding the whole trans equation is most emphatically NOT a phobia. The concern is very valid – and important. The few people who believe themselves to be a gender, or genders, that do/does not match their sex have a problem, alright. But we cannot upend society for ever-more granular groups, tiny percentages, who are at best interested in exploring full-time role play (RP is supposed to be limited, discreet, and fun; not some demand for all of society’s participation) or who are at worst just mentally ill.
If we don’t right our ship, we slide into lunacy. You’ll arrive at work to be handed a slip of paper by an underling, co-worker, or boss with notifications such as this:
My Identity Today
Today, I identify as a trans-hermaphrodite Martian who is, again today, placed on a gradient scale between male and female at the 62.5% male/37.5% mark of sexuality/gender. In other words, I’m gender fluid today. Tomorrow I may be something else, including a hard residency at either outpost of male or female – it depends on my quality of sleep tonight, whether I drink or smoke something this evening, any and the number of visitations by ancestors and entities this evening, their current identities, and whether we all get along or have emotionally-distressing arguments. I may too identify as any number of a blizzard of genders now recognized.
Also, the time of day factors in (in other words; I could start the day as one thing or things, and progress through and/or to any number of others). Please honor and respect my position(s), rights, and feelings. My personal pronouns today are reflected in my native Martian language of (phonetically, for you Earth bound people [if you identify as such]), zeeknah, zeeknahnah, zeeknur, zeeknaprahm, and zeekpop. These are equivalent, in order, to your gender-neutral pronouns, of zie, zim, zir, zis, zieself (again, in order) for your hard-gender terms of He/She; Him/Her; His/Her; His/Hers, and Himself/Herself. Again, please honor and respect my day’s identity. I would thank you, but this is what I am entitled to, in the face of your privilege and arrogance, particularly if you are a so-called cis-gendered White Male (when in truth, we are all floating on and through a gender-fluid spectrum/miasma and you are just afraid to face that and live your full potential). Please inform your friends and colleagues on a continuous basis after checking my moment’s status, as I do not wish to face disrespect, stress, emotional injury – trauma, either momentary or permanent.
NP: The Barbarians, Are You a Boy or Are You a Girl
Oh, what the heck - a twofer on the NP today - just because it’s so cool (take note of the background dancers, too, particularly the one on the right): Hey Little Bird, again, The Barbarians… and it’s a live performance. Did you catch the drummer’s prosthetic left hand?
David Scott Strain is a U.S. Army veteran and a retired Fortune500 I.T. executive. He is also the author of the novel The Grim Grind of Life: A PI’s strange bounces through a surfeit of eateries, juke joints, and dark doorways. Prior, he authored the MBA-text (UofW, UofMD, more than a dozen others) I.T. WARS: Managing the Business-Technology Weave in the New Millennium. Books and expanded bio are available on Amazon.