What if Trump is elected (re-elected) in 2024?...
What if President Trump…
…secures the border?
…deports illegal aliens?
…balances the budget?
…reduces the deficit?…
…and institutes a “pay down” schema for the National Debt?
…gains the U.S. a positive income from taxes in funding true “green” initiatives that have an actual payoff in decades to come?... a planned, intelligent, delivery and a gradualll transition… on a voluntary basis? (You know - as delivered to the land of the free, and when things are affordable and provide a payoff)…
…drives inflation from 8+% to 1%?
…restores drilling, fracking, and access to the liquid gold right under our feet instead of paying exorbitant fees to false friends and outright enemies to whom we have been begging?
… makes us, again, a net-exporter of energy?
…brings gas prices from $3.50+ per gallon to $2 or less?
…blows away supply-chain problems?
…replaces joke-occupiers of such critical offices as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?... the Office of the Vice Presidency?... the Attorney General?... the Secretary of Transportation?… the Director of the Department of Homeland Security (or is it the Dept. of Homeland Insecurity?)… the head of the CIA?… the Department of Education?... et. al.
…restores integrity to the DOJ and FBI by firing dirty political hacks who occupy positions that are supposed to be blind to politics, and to center wholly on and within elements of, and delivery of, justice?
…nominates sane, Constitutional, Supreme Court Justices (again), court of appeals judges, and district court judges?... and, what if they are confirmed by a sane Senate?
…negotiates peace between Russia and Ukraine?
…rids the U.S. military of dirty, treasonous, or incompetent, senior officers?
…restores U.S. military readiness and recruitment to necessary (and abandoned) goals?
…restores education to the “three Rs” and STEM?
Think he can do that?
Think he cannot do that?
Let me tell you something. LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING:
The Democrats, their supports in the MSM, the Never-Trumpers, the TDSers, are scared to death he can.
What if Trump is our next President?
What if we can have an America-First President (again)?
What if we can again have Trump as our elected President in 2024?
With enough “true the vote” initiatives (they must happen, or we’re lost forever), and with enough pragmatic, intelligent, people running to replace the dirty swamp creatures we presently have (think: Kari Lake-types; Lee Zeldin types) I believe those things above are possible.
If DeSantis is shrewd (“Trump-shrewd”) he’ll wait until 2028. He is young enough to have 2028 and 2032 at his potential – AND – he’ll have a solid platform of emplacements (courtesy of President Trump and others, to include We the People, and his own further FL record) upon which to stand and launch.
Trump will rock the Presidency, in a good way; Trump will rock the government, in a good way;
What if?...... We the People have amongst us enough smart, pragmatic voters to elect Trump – no matter the margin of cheat. No matter the dirty tricks and crimes mounted by Democrats, no matter the dirty media, and no matter the backstabbers.
What if?…
I am a U.S. Army veteran (HQ, 500th Military Intelligence Brigade [Japan]; 1st Personnel Command [1st PERSCOM, Europe]; Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans [ODCSOPS, Pentagon], more) and a retired Fortune500 I.T. executive (Young & Rubicam, Inc., DC-NY; Burson-Marsteller, LLC, DC-NY, more) as well as employment at major non-profits (Nat’l. Food Processors Assoc., N. VA [now GMA]; Water Environment Federation, N. VA, more); as well as Top Secret contract work for clients. I have passed four FBI background checks, the most recent in June of 2022. My third book is now out! A Bohemian in a Precarious Belfry - Vol. I: Poetry & Prose (A Bohemian in a Precarious Belfry - Volume I: Poetry & Prose: Scott, David: 9798890270924: Amazon.com: Books). I am also the author of the novel THE GRIM GRIND OF LIFE: A PI’s strange bounces through a surfeit of eateries, juke joints, and dark doorways. Prior, I authored the MBA-text I.T. WARS: Managing the Business-Technology Weave in the New Millennium (UofW, UofMD, more than a dozen others). The latter book’s last chapter discusses energy and U.S. grid vulnerabilities, and remains a leading-voice in those realms. Books and expanded bio are available on Amazon.
Looks like we'll get to find out.